Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln was the only United States President to hold a patent. As a young man, Abraham Lincoln took a boatload of merchandise down the Mississippi River from New Salem to New Orleans. At one point the boat slid onto a dam and was set free only after heroic efforts. In later years, while traveling
Hulu Going To A Pay Service?
Seriously, just add more commercials to get more revenue. I’ll just check my email while they are airing, just like I do when watching broadcast TV. http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/entertainmentnewsbuzz/2010/04/hulu-pushes-forward-with-995-subscription-service.html With all the options out there, I’m just wondering who is going to pay $9.95 a month for limited options…. seems like this may be the beginning of
Official Website Launch
After months of Development, we are proud to announce the official launch of BernickyLaw.com this week! Thanks so much to all who’ve helped me edit and improve this site. I think the result is a great site, so again, Thanks! ~James
M&M’s In Trouble Again!
For several years, Mars/M&M’s have been dressing up M&M’s as classic characters for their commercials, including “Star Wars,” Pirates of the Caribben,” and “Transformers without much litigation, aside from a 2008 suit by the “Naked Cowboy” which later was settled out of court. This time around, Zorro Productions claims to own the trademarks associated with
Judges and Lawyers In Florida Must “Un-Friend” Each Other
http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20091212/ap_on_re_us/us_facebook_judges In short, Florida’s Judicial Ethics Advisory Committee ruled that Florida’s judges and lawyers should no longer “friend” each other on Facebook due to worries of perceived conflicts of interest. I’m in agreement with a few on the committee who dissented, saying judges should be allowed to have attorneys as Facebook friends because those connections